About Osvitoria NGO and the Allocation of Funds

Osvitoria is a non-profit public organization that helps change and develop education in Ukraine. We create innovative schools and programs, help teachers learn and provide access to quality education for all children.

There are 7 million children of war in Ukraine. More than 4.5 million children have been forced to flee their homes, and 2 million have left Ukraine. Thousands of educational establishments were damaged. In wartime, our mission is to help Ukraine resume schooling and ensure access to quality education for all children.

To achieve this, we have launched an impact campaign to restore education in Ukraine. The documentary film Timestamp by Kateryna Gornostai, which tells the story of schools and teachers during the war, aims to draw global attention to Ukraine’s fight for its children’s right to education. Funds raised during the campaign will be used to support the learning process in schools: repairs, purchasing equipment, furnishing classrooms, and providing methodological and other essential assistance.

Among Osvitoria’s impact projects:


This is an emergency education restoration program during the war. We address the individual needs of public schools to help restore the learning process.

The First Profession

Since 2010, we have been teaching orphans 12-17 years of age the first profession, helping them find themselves and not be afraid of the unemployed future outside their orphanages. Currently, 50 professional clubs are open in Ukraine, and this number is constantly growing.


iLearn is a free gamified platform for the preparation for external evaluation. We want all children in Ukraine to have the equal opportunity to enter the universities they dream of. Currently, more than 155,000 graduates train on the platform.

Training Center

Training Center The Training Center is a platform for educators’ development, training, and inspiration. We offer a variety of professional development topics for educators and teach them to make the learning process exciting and up-to-date.

…And many more!

Thank you for your support. Education is the best investment!

Osvitoria team